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Willie Claassen

Claassen, Willem Daniel

Contact: (Mobile) 082 715 9384 / (Email)
Membership of Institutions / SocietiesHonorary Fellow SAICE – 8445,1968; ECSA - Pr Eng, 730107; FAArb - 1314
Academic QualificationsBA Honours Eng, UP, 1987; Certificate in Construction Management, UP, 1977; BSc Eng UP, 1969; ND for Technicians, Pretoria Technikon, 1962
Current OccupationArbitrator, Adjudicator, Mediator
ADR Qualifications & Courses CompletedHD Arbitration – AoA (SA),1998; Certificate in Arbitration, AoA (SA), 1997
LocationMossel Bay, Western Cape, South Africa.

Claassen, Willem Daniel

Competent In These Forms of Contracts: 
Engineering Technical Expertise and Experience:
Technical review of the General Condition of Contract for Construction Works (GCC) – 2004, 2010 and 2015. Wrote the Management Guide to the GCC 2010 and to the GCC 2015. Numerous cases as an adjudicator, mediator and arbitrator locally and in African countries using GCC, JBCC, NEC and FIDIC Conditions of Contract.


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