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Michele Rivarola

Rivarola, Michele

Contact: (Mobile) 082 900 7514 / (Tel) 043 743 8266 / (Email)
Membership of Institutions / SocietiesAMSAICE - 2020; ECSA - Pr Eng, 860387,1986; SACPCMP - Pr CPM, D487, 2005; FAArb - 1020,1994; Construction Adjudicators - AoA (SA); Fellow SAIRAC; Life Member ASHRAE; SAIMechE; Corrosion Institute of SA; SAMA; Member FPASA
Academic QualificationsBSc Eng (Mech), UCT, 1982
Current OccupationConsulting Engineer, Arbitrator, Adjudicator, Mediator
ADR Qualifications & Courses CompletedHD Arbitration, AArb SA,1994; Certificate in Construction Law, AArb SA, 1998
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