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Rudolph Basson

Basson, Rudolph Johan

Contact: (Mobile) +27 63 685 6020 / (Email)
Membership of Institutions / SocietiesMSAICE - 202000762; ECSA - Pr Eng, 20050320, 2005; FAArb - 3347, 2016
Academic QualificationsBSc Eng (Civil), UP, 1976; BSc Eng Hon, UP, 1978; Masters in Business Leadership, UNISA, 1986
Current OccupationArea Manager (Port and Rail) ArcelorMittal, Liberia - Phase II mine, Rail and Port Expansion Project, Adjudicator
ADR Qualifications & Courses CompletedFellowship Admission Course, AoA (SA), 2016; Certificate in Construction, Law Association of Arbitrators (Southern Africa), 2016
LocationBroederstroom, Gauteng, South Africa.

Basson, Rudolph Johan

Accomplished Project Director with global experience in management, planning, and delivery of multimillion-dollar infrastructure Projects. Well qualified in all aspects of Project Management, Construction Law and Arbitration with proven record of successful delivery.

Competent In These Forms of Contracts:

  • NEC3 and NEC4 – Obtained extensive experience using NEC3 in Transnet Port and Rail capital program, of which I was the General Manager responsible for the planning execution of the capital program. Followed the  introduction of NEC4.
  • FIDIC – Used FIDIC silver book in building the R6 billion Light Rail in Jakarta, studied FIDIC, attended Dispute Board Conference and workshop (DRBF)
  • JBCC – Did adjudication cases with reference to JBCC
Engineering Technical Expertise and Experience:
Civil Engineer with extensive experience and knowledge of Port and Rail Capital Projects. Ports: Breakwater and Entrance channels, Quay walls, Container terminals, Breakbulk terminals,Port operations; Rail: Heavy haul, Light Rail, Rollingstock, Rail operations




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