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van der Hoven, Emile

van der Hoven, Emile P (Adv)

Contact: (Mobile) 083 431 7853 / (Email)
Membership of Institutions / SocietiesMSAICE - Retired, 011238; ECSA - Pr Eng, 790 248; SA Legal Council as an Advocate, 55665, 2005
Academic QualificationsBSc Eng (Civil), UP, 1974; LLB, UNISA, 2005; LLM, UJ, 2010
Current OccupationConsulting Civil Engineer and practising Advocate.
ADR Qualifications & Courses CompletedCertificate in Arbitration, Diploma in Arbitration (International Society of Arbitrators and Mediators)
LocationJohannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

van der Hoven, Emile P (Adv)

BSc Eng (Civil), Hons Bus Admin, LLB, LLM

Competent In These Forms of Contracts:

24 Years as an Arbitrator and Mediator serving on various panels such as the South African Institution of Civil Engineering’s panel of arbitrators and the Gauteng Master Builders Association’s Panel for Arbitrators.

I have acted as a Mediator, Adjudicator and Arbitrator in disputes emanating from GCC contracts, FIDIC
contracts (especially Roads Projects), the NEC contracts (where ESCOM is a party) and a few disputes from the JBCC contracts

Engineering Technical Expertise and Experience:
Structures, Roads, Water, Civil Services, Construction

26 Years in private practice with experience in the property, development industry as Architect, Consulting Civil Engineer. Specialising in the design of new townships and in the design of structures.

17 Years practising as an Advocate with experience in civil litigation in the courts of South Africa.








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